Acoustic Roots Blues

We play the blues Muddy, Buddy and The Wolf grew up listening to—old school instrumentals and songs the way blues began, two musicians playing everything from country blues to ragtime, and more. Like we say “blues from the delta and beyond.”

Country Blues, acoustic blues, Kansas

© Nichols & Millspaugh. All rights reserved.


A dynamic combination of fingerstyle and bottleneck slide guitar, and harmonica — Nichols and Millspaugh provide their audience with 1920s-40s American styles of blues, folk and ragtime. Music from a time when it was raw and diverse but now all too rarely heard.
Their talents enable them, with just two instruments, to really fill out the music — creating dynamic layers of sound, feeling, and energy.
Fans also love hearing Pat’s stories and bits of history, learning about the roots of this music and how it impacted the blues we know and love today.Pat: He has been playing acoustic blues music since he was a teenager with forays into bluegrass fiddle, mandolin and guitar and electric Texas blues. He previously performed in a duo with local harp legend Lee McBee.Chris: He came to playing music a little later in life but boy did he dive in head first. Chris plays to the strengths and unique capabilities of the harmonica and employs the full range of tonal colors, trills, flutters, chord rhythms, and other special effects that make his playing expressive.He plays a variety of styles with his other bands—from jump, swing and Chicago blues with The House Jumpers to bluegrass and honky tonk with Old FangledSound engineers: Find our Stage Plot here.


Use the form to email us for bookings or give us a call, Chris at 785-312-9101 or Pat at785-393-9207Follow us on Facebook